Investors Need to Know What You Do and Why it Matters
It doesn’t matter how good your idea is if you can’t convince potential backers. We use proven narrative and messaging frameworks to create your story for your investor audience, motivating them to engage and support your mission.
We create the stories that turn dreams into reality.
Led by an experienced marketer, messaging strategist, and writer, The Best Words Wins makes effective messaging the foundation of what we do. And we’re ready to crack the DNA of your story and put it to work for you.
Over 20 years experience in messaging development
Using scientifically proven messaging strategies and story frameworks
Results-driven Pitch Decks, LinkedIn Profiles, One Page Summaries, Intro Videos, and more
We’ll create the compelling story you need so you can focus on creating a great product and building a great company.
Nail My Pitch
Investor Pitch Deck
One Pager Executive Summary
LinkedIn Profile Makeover
* Requires a Story-driven Messaging Plan
Starting at $6,000
Start Building Buzz
Includes everything in Silver plus:
30-Day LinkedIn Action Plan
Intro Video Script and Shooting Guide
Starting at $9,000
The Closer's Special
Includes everything in Gold plus:
Intro Video Production
Starting at $12,000